如果你想部署 memos,服务器是我认为最好的方式。
当然,现在也有一些大佬们研究出使用 Zeabur 和 Railway 部署 memos。
2023-09-17更新:删除1.4之前版本的支持,请更新到最新的 memos
2023-06-10更新:1.4.0以上版本memos API链接发生变化,已在文中标注。
2023-03-15更新:补充说明memos api链接获取问题
之前因为没需求一直没使用,机缘巧合接触了一下便一发不可收拾: Memos原来这么好用。
| docker-compose down && docker image rm neosmemo/memos:latest && docker-compose up -d
操作如下:在宝塔面版 新建网站
-> 设置
-> 反代
-> 添加代理
-> 设置名称和目标url即可


memos api地址
- 点击个人头像,然后点击 RSS。
- 根据连接获取ID
如 RSS 链接为:https://m.leonus.cn/u/`1`/rss.xml
打开文件 [blogroot]\themes\butterfly\scripts\filters\post_lazyload.js
| return htmlContent.replace(/(<img.*? src=)/ig, `$1 "${bg}" data-lazy-src=`)
| return htmlContent.replace(/(<img(?!.*?class[\t]*=[\t]*['"].*?no-lazyload.*?['"]).*? src=)/gi, `$1 "${bg}" data-lazy-src=`);
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/* 提醒 */
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<div class="limit">- 只展示最近30条说说 -</div> <script> if(1) { let url = 'https://你的memos地址' fetch(url + '/api/v1/memo?creatorId=1&tag=说说&limit=30').then(res => res.json()).then(data => { // 注意修改域名和用户id let items = [], html = '', icon = '<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"class="is-badge icon"><path d="m512 268c0 17.9-4.3 34.5-12.9 49.7s-20.1 27.1-34.6 35.4c.4 2.7.6 6.9.6 12.6 0 27.1-9.1 50.1-27.1 69.1-18.1 19.1-39.9 28.6-65.4 28.6-11.4 0-22.3-2.1-32.6-6.3-8 16.4-19.5 29.6-34.6 39.7-15 10.2-31.5 15.2-49.4 15.2-18.3 0-34.9-4.9-49.7-14.9-14.9-9.9-26.3-23.2-34.3-40-10.3 4.2-21.1 6.3-32.6 6.3-25.5 0-47.4-9.5-65.7-28.6-18.3-19-27.4-42.1-27.4-69.1 0-3 .4-7.2 1.1-12.6-14.5-8.4-26-20.2-34.6-35.4-8.5-15.2-12.8-31.8-12.8-49.7 0-19 4.8-36.5 14.3-52.3s22.3-27.5 38.3-35.1c-4.2-11.4-6.3-22.9-6.3-34.3 0-27 9.1-50.1 27.4-69.1s40.2-28.6 65.7-28.6c11.4 0 22.3 2.1 32.6 6.3 8-16.4 19.5-29.6 34.6-39.7 15-10.1 31.5-15.2 49.4-15.2s34.4 5.1 49.4 15.1c15 10.1 26.6 23.3 34.6 39.7 10.3-4.2 21.1-6.3 32.6-6.3 25.5 0 47.3 9.5 65.4 28.6s27.1 42.1 27.1 69.1c0 12.6-1.9 24-5.7 34.3 16 7.6 28.8 19.3 38.3 35.1 9.5 15.9 14.3 33.4 14.3 52.4zm-266.9 77.1 105.7-158.3c2.7-4.2 3.5-8.8 2.6-13.7-1-4.9-3.5-8.8-7.7-11.4-4.2-2.7-8.8-3.6-13.7-2.9-5 .8-9 3.2-12 7.4l-93.1 140-42.9-42.8c-3.8-3.8-8.2-5.6-13.1-5.4-5 .2-9.3 2-13.1 5.4-3.4 3.4-5.1 7.7-5.1 12.9 0 5.1 1.7 9.4 5.1 12.9l58.9 58.9 2.9 2.3c3.4 2.3 6.9 3.4 10.3 3.4 6.7-.1 11.8-2.9 15.2-8.7z"fill="#1da1f2"></path></svg>'; data.forEach(item => { items.push(Format(item)) }); if (items.length == 30) document.querySelector('.limit').style.display = 'block'; items.forEach(item => { html += `<div class="talk_item"><div class="talk_meta"><img class="no-lightbox no-lazyload avatar" src="https://q1.qlogo.cn/g?b=qq&nk=990320751&s=5"><div class="info"><span class="talk_nick">Leonus${icon}</span><span class="talk_date">${item.date}</span></div></div><div class="talk_content">${item.content}</div><div class="talk_bottom"><div><span class="talk_tag"># ${item.tag}</span></div><a href="javascript:;"onclick="goComment('${item.text}')"><span class="icon"><i class="fa-solid fa-message fa-fw"></i></span></a></div></div>` // 注意修改头像链接和名称 }) document.getElementById('talk').innerHTML = html }) // 页面评论 function goComment(e) { var n = document.querySelector(".el-textarea__inner") n.value = `> ${e}\n\n`; n.focus(); btf.snackbarShow("无需删除空行,直接输入评论即可", !1, 2e3); } // 页面内容格式化 function Format(item) { let date = getTime(new Date(item.createdTs * 1000).toString()), content = item.content, tag = item.content.match(/\{(.*?)\}/g), imgs = content.match(/!\[.*\]\(.*?\)/g), text = '' if (imgs) imgs = imgs.map(item => { return item.replace(/!\[.*\]\((.*?)\)/, '$1') }) if (item.resourceList.length) { if (!imgs) imgs = [] item.resourceList.forEach(t => { if (t.externalLink) imgs.push(t.externalLink) else imgs.push(`${url}/o/r/${t.id}/${t.publicId}/${t.filename}`) }) } text = content.replace(/#(.*?)\s/g, '').replace(/\!?\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)/g, '').replace(/\{(.*?)\}/g, '') content = text.replace(/\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)/g, `<a href="$2">@$1</a>`); if (imgs) { content += `<div class="zone_imgbox">` imgs.forEach(e => content += `<a href="${e}" data-fancybox="gallery" class="fancybox" data-thumb="${e}"><img class="no-lazyload" src="${e}"></a>` // 2023-02-06更新 ) content += '</div>' } return { content: content, tag: tag ? tag[0].replace(/\{(.*?)\}/,'$1') : '无标签', date: date, text: text.replace(/\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)/g, '[链接]' + `${imgs?'[图片]':''}`) } } // 页面时间格式化 function getTime(time) { let d = new Date(time), ls = [d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(), d.getSeconds()]; for (let i = 0; i < ls.length; i++) { ls[i] = ls[i] <= 9 ? '0' + ls[i] : ls[i] + '' } if (new Date().getFullYear() == ls[0]) return ls[1] + '月' + ls[2] + '日 ' + ls[3] +':'+ ls[4] else return ls[0] + '年' + ls[1] + '月' + ls[2] + '日 ' + ls[3] +':'+ ls[4] } } </script>
| #说说 {说说标签} 我是内容 [我是链接](链接地址) 

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| if (is_home()) #main_top //- 注意修改下面的onclick,如果你没使用pjax,将pjax.loadUrl("/zone/")改成location.pathname="/zone/",zone是说说页面。,这行注释最好删掉。 #bber-talk.wow.animate__flipInX(onclick=`pjax.loadUrl("/zone/")`) svg.icon(t='1660960757124', viewBox='0 0 1024 1024', version='1.1', xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', p-id='3946', width='200', height='200') path(d='M526.432 924.064c-20.96 0-44.16-12.576-68.96-37.344L274.752 704H192c-52.928 0-96-43.072-96-96V416c0-52.928 43.072-96 96-96h82.752l182.624-182.624c24.576-24.576 47.744-37.024 68.864-37.024C549.184 100.352 576 116 576 160v704c0 44.352-26.72 60.064-49.568 60.064zM192 384c-17.632 0-32 14.368-32 32v192c0 17.664 14.368 32 32 32h96c8.48 0 16.64 3.36 22.624 9.376l192.064 192.096c3.392 3.36 6.496 6.208 9.312 8.576V174.016a145.824 145.824 0 0 0-9.376 8.608l-192 192C304.64 380.64 296.48 384 288 384h-96zM687.584 730.368a31.898 31.898 0 0 1-18.656-6.016c-14.336-10.304-17.632-30.304-7.328-44.672l12.672-17.344C707.392 617.44 736 578.624 736 512c0-69.024-25.344-102.528-57.44-144.928-5.664-7.456-11.328-15.008-16.928-22.784-10.304-14.336-7.04-34.336 7.328-44.672 14.368-10.368 34.336-7.04 44.672 7.328 5.248 7.328 10.656 14.464 15.968 21.504C764.224 374.208 800 421.504 800 512c0 87.648-39.392 141.12-74.144 188.32l-12.224 16.736c-6.272 8.704-16.064 13.312-26.048 13.312z', p-id='3947') path(d='M796.448 839.008a31.906 31.906 0 0 1-21.088-7.936c-13.28-11.648-14.624-31.872-2.976-45.152C836.608 712.672 896 628.864 896 512s-59.392-200.704-123.616-273.888c-11.648-13.312-10.304-33.504 2.976-45.184 13.216-11.648 33.44-10.336 45.152 2.944C889.472 274.56 960 373.6 960 512s-70.528 237.472-139.488 316.096c-6.368 7.232-15.2 10.912-24.064 10.912z', p-id='3948') ul.talk-list 说说加载中。。。

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还是先使用hexo n page xxx
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| #清单 [想去的地方] - [ ] 轻笑的米奇妙妙屋(轻笑让我加的) - [x] 已完成的清单